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How To Submit The Perfect CV

The process of writing your CV can be a daunting task. Our top tips on how to submit the perfect CV will help ensure you give yourself the best chance of securing your next role in private staffing.

Section 1 – Contact Details
Start with your contact details, this is your full name followed by your contact number, email address and home address.
It’s important we can clearly access your contact details so that we can call or email you. It’s also worthwhile including your current address so we can better understand your geographical location and how it relates to the role you are applying to.

💥 Top Tip: Be sure to use a formal email address, for example, firstname.surname@

Section 2 – Personal Introduction
This is an opportunity to highlight specifics in your experience that relate to the role you’re applying for. Keep it short, snappy and positive.

💥 Top Tip: Customise this depending on the role you are applying to.

Section 3 – Experience
List your experience from the most recent first.
If there are any gaps in your experience please briefly explain what you were doing in those periods. Eg studying, travelling, starting a family.

💥 Top Tip: Use bullet points to list your experience in roles, this keeps it concise and easy to read.

Section 4 – Skills and Qualifications
This could include educational history and any certificates you’ve obtained or courses you have completed.

💥 Top Tip: List skills that are relevant to the role you’re applying for.

Section 5 – References
If you already have references we recommend including these. If you aren’t able to supply them we will request them further along the recruitment process so it’s a good idea to collate them.

How to design your CV

💥 Use black text on a white background.
💥 Use the same font type and size throughout, with a slightly larger font size for headings.
💥 Include a recent professional headshot.
💥 The simpler the better, you don’t need to make it look pretty with colourful sections and stylish font.

Listen to our podcast for more career advice from our UK Private Staffing Consultant Laura Reeves.
If you need any further help or guidance please contact us and one of our team would be more than happy to help.